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Space Industry-Science Workshop Programme




Riga Technical University (RTU) in collaboration with Aalto University and Stockholm University is pleased to announce the Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) ‘Space Industry-Science Workshop Programme.’ This initiative provides students and academic staff with a unique opportunity to engage with leading experts from the space science and industry sectors, fostering knowledge exchange and hands-on collaboration in space mission planning.

The rapid development of space science and technology has opened up numerous funding opportunities from the European Space Agency (ESA), the European Union, and other financial sources. As new space mission opportunities emerge, it is crucial to enhance collaboration between space scientists and industry professionals. This BIP programme serves as a platform for pre-mission proposal development, facilitating discussions between European universities, the European Astrobiology Institute (EAI), and start-up companies. The programme aims to equip participants with practical skills, enabling them to explore emerging industry opportunities and scientific advancements.


The BIP consists of both virtual and physical components:

1. Physical Component (August 18-22, 2025) – A five-day intensive workshop featuring expert lectures, discussions, and hands-on sessions where students will work on mission design proposals in collaboration with experienced space scientists and start-up founders.

2.Virtual Component (Post-Workshop, 3 Days) – Student groups will refine and complete their mission proposals, following a structured template prepared by Slavinskis, Geppert, and Praks. This phase simulates real-world distributed collaboration in space mission planning. Students will submit a five-page mission proposal and deliver a final online presentation, evaluated by professors and industry experts.


1. Facilitate Collaboration: Gather together experts from space science and industry with a proven track record in university-to-private-sector commercialisation.

2. Provide Practical Training: Equip students with hands-on experience in space mission planning in cooperation with small and medium enterprises (SMEs).

3. Develop New Models: Establish innovative collaboration frameworks between universities and industry, applicable during both the initial mission design and later implementation phases.


• Riga Technical University (RTU), Latvia
• Stockholm University, Sweden (Prof. Wolf Geppert)
• Aalto University, Finland (Prof. Jaan Praks)
• European Astrobiology Institute (EAI) (Prof. Wolf Geppert, Prof. Andris Slavinskis)
SIA Nanocraft (Latvia) – Industry Partner


• Prof. Andris Slavinskis (RTU, SIA Nanocraft, EAI Industry Liaison), Latvia
• Prof. Jaan Praks (Aalto University), Finland
• Prof Nigel Mason (University of Kent), UK
• Prof Andris Vaivads (Ventspils University of Applied Sciences), Latvia
• Dr Gunnar Maehlum (IDEAS), Norway
• Dr Laurynas Mačiulis (Astrolight, former Nanoavioncs), Lithuania
• Dr Mihails Ščepanskis (CENOS and Deep Space Energies), Latvia
• Prof Mart Noorma (CCDCOE, former Milrem Robotics), Estonia
• Prof Martin Tajmar (TU Dresden), Germany
• Andris K Berzins (Change Ventures and Startup House), Latvia
• Prof Tomasz Zajkowski (Blue Marble Space Institute of Science, NASA Ames Research Center), Poland & US
• (more to be confirmed)


• Participants can apply for an Erasmus+ scholarship provided by their home universities to support their travel and accommodation expenses.
• There are no participation fees for this BIP.


Upon successful completion of the programme, participants will receive 3 ECTS credits.

Application Deadline:
Apply here! By May 31, 2025.
Please contact your home university’s International Office for nomination details.
English Proficiency Requirement: Minimum B1 level.


For organisational matters:
Riga Technical University
Petra Baiba Olehno (baiba.olehno@rtu.lv)

For academic/course-related questions:
Riga Technical University
Andris Slavinskis (andris.slavinskis@rtu.lv)

Apply now! Academic year 2024/25
This is a rolling intake - applications are accepted all year round.
Apply now! Academic year 2024/25
This is a rolling intake - applications are accepted all year round.