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All Sciences Tend to Mathematics


Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programme (BIP)
All sciences tend to mathematics

The BIP “All sciences tend to mathematics” is an interdisciplinary educational project aimed at providing students with an understanding of the fundamental role of mathematics in various scientific fields. It combines theoretical and practical approaches to demonstrate how mathematics forms the foundation for research in different disciplines and how its methods can be applied to solving real-world problems.

The BIP is organized in collaboration with partners:
TTK University of Applied Sciences
Vilnius Gediminas Technical University

Program Description:
• Objective: To educate and inspire students to apply mathematical methods and tools in their chosen field of science. It offers an opportunity to understand the universality and applicability of mathematics across all sciences – from natural sciences, engineering, and economics to social sciences and biology.
• Content: Lectures and practical sessions covering a broad range of mathematical topics, such as statistics, data analysis, and differential equations. Students will engage in discussions to apply the knowledge they have acquired.

Key Dates
• January 20, 2025 — registration
• March – virtual part
• From March to April 1, 2025 — Independent work.
• April 7 to 11, 2025 — Onsite session at Riga Technical University, Riga, Latvia

Application deadline extended until January 26, 2025

Participants are supposed to cover their expenses with the Erasmus+ grant provided by the home institution. Please contact the International Office of your home university to get more information on funding. Students need to be nominated by their home university to participate in the BIP programme. Contact for nominations: Head of International Mobility Unit Evita Miščuka (e-mail: evita.miscuka@rtu.lv).

Project Leader: Inna Samuilika, e-mail: inna.samuilika@rtu.lv

Programme structure

Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programme “All Sciences Tend to
9:30-10:00 Registration (Inna Samuilika)
10:00-10:20 Welcome
10:20-11:45 Students’ presentations
11:45-12:00 Break
12:00-13:00 BIP Activity
13:00-14:00 Lunch
14:00-14:30 Sharing experiences by RTU BIP participant Karina Fainveice (BIP for students: Solving
Sustainability Problems Mathematically at TTK University of Applied Sciences)
15:30-17:30 Bowling for students
10:00-11:45 Students’ presentations
11:45-12:00 Break
12:00-13:00 BIP Activity
13:00-14:00 Lunch
14:00-14:45 BIP Activity
15:30-17:00 City tour
10:00-11:45 BIP Activity
11:45-12:00 Break
12:00-13:00 BIP Activity
13:00-14:00 Lunch
14:00-14:45 BIP Activity
10:00-11:45 BIP Activity
11:45-12:00 Break
12:00-13:00 BIP Activity
13:00-14:00 Lunch
15:00-16:30 Entertainment
10:00-11:30 BIP Activity
11:30-12:00 Break
12:00-12:45 Feedback, Closing ceremony, Certificates

Apply now! Academic year 2024/25
This is a rolling intake - applications are accepted all year round.
Apply now! Academic year 2024/25
This is a rolling intake - applications are accepted all year round.