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Taxation of International Business


Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programme (BIP)
Taxation of International Business

is organized by Riga Technical University (RTU) in collaboration with partners:
• Münster University of Applied Sciences (FH Münster)
• The Estonian Academy of Security Sciences (EASS)
• Brno University of Technology (BUT)

Full period of the programme: October 18 – December 20, 2024
Intensive face-to-face week in Riga (Latvia): November 7-11, 2024

The BIP program includes:
1. Virtual part – an intensive 40 hours online course (October 18 – December 20, 2024) including theory and practical exercises (online classes will take place every Friday at 12:30 – 14:05 and 14:30 – 16:05).
2. Intensive Week at Riga Technical University (November 7-11, 2024) – face-to-face training in Riga (Latvia) including discussions, cases analysis, workshops, exchange of ideas, trips, and entertainment.

Language of the programme – English.
Participants who successfully complete the course will gain 3 ECTS.

The BIP will address the main topics:
• Recent developments and trends in international taxation and the global economy (BEPS, digital economy, global minimum tax);
• International taxation of income and capital (general, double taxation, transfer pricing);
• Taxation of cross-border transactions (general, customs, value-added tax, excise duty);
• Tax compliance and administration (general, TP documentation, VAT, Excise Movement and Control System, mutual assistance procedures).

Participation in the Blended Intensive Programme is free of charge. During the intensive week in Riga accommodation and one meal a day will be covered by organizers.

Participants are supposed to cover their expenses with the Erasmus+ grant provided by the home institution. Please contact the International Office of your home university to get more information on funding. Students need to be nominated by their home university to participate in the BIP programme.

Project Team:
• Project Leader: Māris Jurušs, e-mail: maris.juruss@rtu.lv , mob.: +371-29286119
• Project Coordinator: Anita Zeila, e-mail: anita.zeila@rtu.lv, phone.: +371-67089394

Apply now! Academic year 2024/25
This is a rolling intake - applications are accepted all year round.

BIP almost finished

Apply now! Academic year 2024/25
This is a rolling intake - applications are accepted all year round.

BIP almost finished